Payment Method | Accepted Currencies | Processing Times | Funding (min) | Funding (max) | Withdrawals (min) | Withdrawals (max) |
BANK TRANSFER/BROKER TO BROKER | EUR/USD/GBP/CHF/JPY/PLN/AUD | Time taken for the transfer to reach our bank will depend on the banks involved. Credited funds will then be transferred to your FxPro trading account within one working day.(Funding)/1 Working Day(Withdrawals) | Free | Free | 100 USD or equivalent | N/A |
VISA/maestro/maestro card | EUR/USD/GBP/CHF/JPY/PLN/AUD | Usually within 10 min(Funding)/1 Working Day(Withdrawals) | 100 or 10,000JPY | 10,000 or 1,000,000JPY | N/A | 50,000 per day or 1,000,000 JPY per transaction |
PayPal | EUR/USD/GBP/CHF/JPY/PLN/AUD | Usually within 10 min(Funding)/1 Working Day(Withdrawals) | 100(USD,EUR,GBP,CHF,AUD) or 400PLN or 10,000JPY | 10,000(USD,EUR,GBP,CHF,AUD) or 40,000PLN or 1,000,000JPY | N/A | 10,000(USD,EUR,GBP,CHF,AUD) or 40,000PLN or 1,000,000JPY |
Skrill | EUR/USD/GBP/CHF/JPY/PLN | Usually within 10 min(Funding)/1 Working Day(Withdrawals) | 100(USD,EUR,GBP,CHF) or 400PLN or 10,000JPY | 10,000(USD,EUR,GBP,CHF) or 40,000PLN or 1,000,000JPY | N/A | 10,000(USD,EUR,GBP,CHF) or 40,000PLN or 1,000,000JPY |
NETELLER | EUR/USD/GBP/JPY/AUD/PLN | Usually within 10 min(Funding)/1 Working Day(Withdrawals) | 100(USD,EUR,GBP,AUD) or 400PLN or 10,000JPY | 10,000(USD,EUR,GBP,AUD) or 40,000PLN or 1,000,000JPY | N/A | 10,000(USD,EUR,GBP,AUD) or 40,000PLN or 1,000,000JPY |