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ATFX Ranks 4th Globally on MT4/MT5 Volumes, reached $852.3 Billion in Q3
Source:https://finance.yahoo.com/news/atfx-ranks-4th-globally-mt4-100000635.html | Author:finance-102 | Date2023-12-06 | 244 Views | Share:
ATFX, a leading global online trading broker, has achieved a groundbreaking milestone in the third quarter of 2023. According to the recently issued Finance Magnates Q3 Intelligence Report, ATFX has surpassed a total trading volume of over $852.3 billion, securing the fourth position globally and surpassing its record from the previous quarter.

ATFX, a leading global online trading broker, has achieved a groundbreaking milestone in the third quarter of 

2023. According to the recently issued Finance Magnates Q3 Intelligence Report, ATFX has surpassed a total 

trading volume of over $852.3 billion, securing the fourth position globally and surpassing its record from the 

previous quarter.

The report reveals the remarkable growth ATFX has experienced in trading volumes using the MT4/MT5 platforms, 

with an impressive 60.51% compared to the previous quarter (QOQ), and an astonishing 88.15% compared to the 

same period last year (YOY). This demonstrates ATFX's dedication to delivering exceptional trading services and its 

ability to meet the evolving needs of its clients.

The report also highlights an increase of 6.67% in active users, further indicating ATFX's ability to attract and retain 

a growing client base. This achievement showcases the trust and confidence that traders have in ATFX as their 

preferred online trading services provider.

In terms of product trends, ATFX’s precious metals category has witnessed phenomenal growth, with an increase of 

81.63% QOQ and an astonishing 166.43% YOY. This surge can be attributed to the strong demand for safe-haven 

assets during uncertain market conditions.

The currency pairs category has also shown robust growth, with a 31.72% increase in QOQ and a substantial 30.15% 

increase in YOY. This indicates the growing interest of traders in forex trading and the diverse opportunities offered by 

ATFX in this market.

Furthermore, the indices category has experienced impressive growth, with a 31.56% increase in QOQ and a notable 

15.24% increase in YOY. This suggests a strong appetite for index trading among ATFX's clients.

The growth in the stocks category has been remarkable as well, with a 67.80% increase in QOQ and an impressive 54.55% 

increase in YOY. This growth can be attributed to the rising popularity of individual stock trading and ATFX's extensive 

offering in this area.

Lastly, ATFX’s energy category has witnessed a steady growth of 22.70%, indicating the continued interest of traders in 

energy commodities and ATFX's ability to meet their trading needs in this market.

ATFX's exceptional performance in the third quarter of 2023 and its remarkable rankings globally on MT4/MT5 volumes 

are a testament to its commitment to delivering outstanding trading experiences to clients worldwide. Through continuous 

innovation, strict regulatory compliance, and a comprehensive range of tradable instruments, ATFX has firmly established 

itself as a top choice for traders looking for reliable and sophisticated trading solutions.