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  • Social Trading vs Copy Trading: Which One is Right for You?


    In recent years, social trading and copy trading have become increasingly popular among traders looking for new ways to improve their trading strategies and outcomes. But what exactly are these two approaches, and how do they differ?

  • Explained: collar strategy


    Investors may use a collar strategy when they believe in the long-term potential of a stock but are concerned about short-term market declines. This approach can also help lock in profits while sacrificing some potential upside. Activist investors and takeover artists may also use a collar strategy to protect their equity position in a target company.

  • Understanding the difference between leverage and margin


    Forex trading is a popular form of investing that involves buying and selling currencies to make a profit. Leverage and margin are two important concepts in forex trading that are often confused with each other. While they are related, they have distinct meanings and functions. In this article, we will explore the difference between leverage and margin in forex trading.

  • Explained: the buy and hold strategy


    The buy and hold strategy in forex trading is a long-term investment strategy where traders buy a currency pair and hold onto it for an extended period, regardless of short-term price fluctuations. The idea behind this strategy is to benefit from the overall appreciation of the currency pair over time. The buy and hold strategy require patience and a long-term outlook, as it may take several months or even years for the currency pair to appreciate in value. Traders using this strategy will typically monitor economic and political factors that may affect the value of the currency pair over time, such as interest rates, inflation, and geopolitical events.

  • Explained: The bank trading strategy in forex


    The bank trading strategy in forex refers to the approach taken by large financial institutions, such as banks, in trading the foreign exchange market. These institutions typically have significant resources and access to advanced trading technology, which allows them to engage in sophisticated trading strategies. The bank trading strategy is an approach where traders aim to accumulate when large players are doing the same and exit when the trend ends. Traders must understand market cycles such as consolidation and trading and have a bigger picture to decide whether to buy, sell, or stay on the sidelines.

  • Explained: Random walk theory


    Random walk theory is a theory that suggests that stock market prices and other financial asset prices move randomly and are not predictable. It is based on the idea that changes in asset prices occur randomly, and that past prices and market trends are not reliable indicators of future prices. The theory assumes that at any given moment, stock prices reflect all available information, including past prices, financial reports, and news. Therefore, it is impossible to predict future prices based on past prices or other indicators. The only way to predict future prices is to know all the information that will be available in the future.

  • How to choose forex pairs for long term investment?


    Choosing Forex pairs for long-term investment requires a careful consideration of a variety of factors. Here are some key things to consider:

  • Understanding the differences between technical analysis and price action analysis


    Technical analysis and price action analysis are two different approaches to analyzing the financial markets. Technical analysis is a more objective and data-driven approach, while price action analysis is a more subjective and interpretive approach. While both approaches can be effective, the choice of which to use will depend on the trader's individual trading style and preferences.

  • Explained: Technical analysis


    Technical analysis is a method of analyzing financial markets that is used to forecast the future price movements of assets, including currency pairs in the forex market. It involves studying historical price and volume data to identify trends, patterns, and other factors that can affect an asset's price.

  • Explained: Price action analysis


    Price action analysis is a method of analyzing financial markets that focuses on the movement of prices over time. It is based on the belief that market participants' actions, reflected in the price movement, represent all relevant information about an asset's price. This approach is particularly popular among forex traders because it can be used to identify trends, support and resistance levels, and other key market factors that can affect the price of a currency pair.

  • Understanding of Stop Hunting in forex trading


    Stop hunting is a strategy used by some traders to intentionally trigger the stop-loss orders of other traders. The idea behind stop hunting is that many traders will place their stop-loss orders at the same price level, creating a cluster of orders that can be triggered by a sudden move in the market. Traders who engage in stop hunting believe that if they can trigger these stop-loss orders, they can create a rapid market movement that they can profit from.

  • Explained: Dollar-cost averaging strategy


    Dollar-cost averaging is an investment strategy that involves purchasing a fixed dollar amount of an asset at regular intervals, regardless of the asset's price. The goal of this strategy is to reduce the impact of market volatility on the overall cost of acquiring the asset. By investing a fixed amount at regular intervals, the investor is able to average out the cost of the investment over time. This means that the investor will buy more of the currency pair when prices are low and less when prices are high, effectively reducing the impact of market volatility on the overall cost of the investment. Additionally, dollar-cost averaging can help investors to build a long-term investment strategy that is focused on consistent, steady gains rather than short-term market timing.

  • Explained: The Turtle Trading Strategy


    The Turtle Trading Strategy is a trend-following trading strategy developed by Richard Dennis and William Eckhardt in the 1980s. The strategy is based on the idea that a group of novice traders can be taught to trade successfully using a set of specific rules. The Turtle Trading Strategy involves using a combination of technical indicators and price action to identify trends in the market. The strategy is designed to capture the momentum of a trend and stay in the market for as long as the trend persists.

  • 9 recommended books for advanced Forex trading technical analysis


    Here are 9 recommended books for advanced Forex trading technical analysis:

  • Understanding risk management in forex trading


    Forex risk management refers to the processes and strategies used by currency traders to mitigate the financial risks associated with fluctuations in exchange rates. This can include a variety of measures such as setting stop-loss orders, diversifying investment portfolios, and adjusting exposure to different currency pairs. The goal of forex risk management is to preserve capital and minimize potential losses while maximizing returns.


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