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  • Understanding of the GDT order


    In forex trading, "GTD" stands for "Good Till Date." It is an order type that allows traders to set an expiry date and time for an order, after which the order is automatically cancelled if it has not been executed.

  • Understanding the mental hacks in forex trading


    Forex trading can be a challenging and stressful activity, and it requires a lot of mental focus and discipline. Mental hacks are techniques that you can use to help you improve your forex trading strategies by managing your emotions and thoughts. Here are some mental hacks that you can use to improve your forex trading:

  • Understanding The Rule of 72


    The Rule of 72 is a simple mathematical formula used to estimate the amount of time it will take for an investment to double in value, based on a given interest rate or rate of return. It works by dividing the number 72 by the interest rate or rate of return to determine the approximate number of years it will take for the investment to double. The origins of the Rule of 72 are not entirely clear, but it is believed to have been popularized by the Italian mathematician and economist Luca Pacioli in the early 16th century. However, the formula may have been used in various forms for many centuries before that. The Rule of 72 has been used by investors and financial professionals for centuries as a quick and easy way to estimate investment growth. It is a simple rule of thumb that can be applied to a wide range of investments and can help individuals make informed decisions about their financial goals.

  • Understanding why online Forex brokers have different prices


    The prices on different broker platform have little different at the same time, that is a common observation among Forex traders. Even though Forex markets are highly decentralized, with trades being executed through a network of banks, financial institutions, and other market participants, the prices offered by different Forex brokers can still vary. This is because Forex brokers receive their prices from different sources, and the prices they receive can be influenced by factors such as the broker's liquidity providers, spreads, commission, trading platform, market volatility, and business model.

  • Advanced explained: The Risk Reward Ratio


    The Risk Reward Ratio is a fundamental concept in Forex trading, as well as in other forms of investment. It is used to determine the potential return for each unit of risk taken in a trade. Simply put, it is the ratio of the potential profit of a trade compared to the potential loss of the same trade. The purpose of the risk-reward ratio is to help traders determine whether a trade is worth taking by considering the potential rewards versus the potential risks.

  • Understanding the advantages of diversification in forex portfolios


    Diversification in forex portfolios refers to the process of spreading investments across multiple currencies to reduce risk and potentially improve returns. By diversifying a forex portfolio, an investor can reduce the impact of fluctuations in any one currency, as the performance of different currencies is often not perfectly correlated. This means that when one currency is performing poorly, another may be performing well, providing a cushion against losses.

  • Understanding the connection between inflation and forex market


    Inflation and the foreign exchange (forex) market are interconnected because inflation affects a country's exchange rate. When inflation is high in a country, it generally reduces the value of the currency, making exports more expensive and imports cheaper. As a result, the demand for the currency decreases, causing its value to decrease relative to other currencies. This change in exchange rate can have a significant impact on the country's trade balance and overall economy. On the other hand, a low inflation rate can lead to an appreciation of the currency and a stronger exchange rate, which can make exports cheaper and imports more expensive. Thus, changes in inflation rates can impact the forex market, and fluctuations in the exchange rate can also impact inflation by affecting the cost of imported goods.

  • Understanding the differences & connections of stock market & forex market


    The stock market and forex market are similar in that they are both financial markets where people buy and sell securities. However, there are several key differences between the two markets:

  • Understanding of the advantages of forex trading


    The advantages of forex trading include:

    Large market size: Forex is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily trading volume of over $5.3 trillion. The forex market is characterized by its high liquidity, 24/7 availability, and large daily trading volume. This makes it a popular destination for traders and investors seeking to take advantage of price movements in the currency markets.

  • Understanding of the Risks in Forex Trading


    Forex traders must be aware of several risks when trading in the foreign exchange market, including:

  • Advanced explained: 5 basic habits of successful traders


    The 5 basic habits we should learning from successful forex traders are a well-defined trading strategy, discipline and patience, ability to manage their emotions, are constantly educating themselves on the market, and use risk management techniques.

  • Understanding the slippage


    Slippage is the difference between the expected price of a trade and the price at which the trade is executed. In the forex market, slippage can occur when a trader places a market order, which is an order to buy or sell at the current market price, and the market price moves before the order can be filled. This can result in the trader receiving a different price than the one they expected, which can lead to a loss on the trade.

  • Advanced explained: High Frequency Trading (HFT)


    High Frequency Trading (HFT) is a form of algorithmic trading that uses advanced computer algorithms to execute trades at extremely high speeds. These algorithms are designed to take advantage of small price discrepancies in the market by buying and selling securities at a very fast pace. The goal of HFT is to make a profit from these small price differences by executing many trades in a short period of time.

  • Understanding the differences between investing and trading in forex market


    Investing in the Forex market is a way to participate in the currency markets by buying and holding a currency with the expectation that it will appreciate over an extended period. Investors typically take a long-term view and focus on the overall strength of the currency and its underlying economy. They are less concerned with short-term price movements and more focused on long-term trends.

    Trading in the Forex market is a more active approach, and it involves buying and selling currencies in the short-term with the goal of profiting from price movements. Traders use a variety of short-term strategies, such as technical analysis, to make decisions and they are generally more focused on the day-to-day fluctuations of the market. Positions are held for shorter periods of time, usually a few minutes or hours.

  • Advanced explained: the major pairs in forex trading


    In the foreign exchange (forex) market, major currency pairs are the most traded and liquid pairs. These pairs involve the U.S. dollar (USD) and one of the following currencies:


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