The second quarter of 2024 undoubtedly stands out as a pivotal period in the financial markets, as it marks
a crucial juncture for the Federal Reserve’s decision on interest rates. Should the Fed opt to cut rates,
significant volatility is anticipated across US stocks, gold, silver, crude oil, and global currencies. This time
around, ATFX brings forth the eagerly awaited ‘Trader’s Magazine,’ featuring insights from global market
experts to address the most pressing concerns in the market.
Martin Lam, ATFX Chief Analyst of Asia Pacific remarks,
“The market outlook for the second quarter of 2024 indicates a low risk of short-term economic recession, but
global expansion may come to an end by mid-2024. It is anticipated that inflation and economic demand will
decline in the second quarter of 2024, triggering investor concerns.”
Diana Iraiqat, ATFX Market Analyst (MENA), delves into various factors influencing the US economy, starting from
currency market rates, volatility in US Treasury bonds, to the state of the US banking sector.
Gold remains a hot topic in the market, with its prices continuously hitting new highs, drawing global capital back
to this asset class. Jessica Lin, ATFX (Asia Pacific) Global Market Analyst, analyzes the future trends of gold prices,
starting from macroeconomic factors such as Federal Reserve monetary policy, the US presidential election, and
geopolitical considerations.
Dr. Mohamed Nabawy, ATFX MENA Market Analyst, first addresses the current hurdles facing European financial
markets from a market news perspective. He then delves into the economic status of Germany, the economic
locomotive of Europe, to interpret the current state of the Eurozone economy from a micro perspective.
In addition to the above, Gonzalo Canete, ATFX Global Chief Market Strategist, provides analyses on “EUR/JPY” and
“USD/MXN”, while Dean Chen, ATFX Guest Analyst, offers detailed insights into “USD/JPY” and “USD/CAD”. To further
elucidate the future economic trends in Europe, Lucas Nguyen, ATFX Market Analyst (Vietnam), conducts a detailed
analysis of European economic growth and inflation for the year 2024.
In the days ahead, ATFX remains committed to closely monitoring the dynamics of the financial markets and delivering
the latest market updates to investors promptly.